Pinon Damien - (France)

Damien and Ingrid Pinon are both one team as well as winemakers as in daily life. Among them, the domain was completely modernized and given a contemporary style. The vineyards are 100% Chenin Blanc planted for both foam and still wines and have been organically farmed for over 10 years. This includes avoiding chemical fertilizers and sprays, plowing natural vegetation between the rows to promote the balance of the local flora and fauna, etc. However, this organic method has never been endorsed with a certified label. Since 2020, work has also been done on this and an official certificate is pending. One of the great assets of Vouvray is the rather unique subsoil of a specific type of limestone and millennia-old remains of crustaceans called Tuffeau. This geological layer dates back to Turoon, so named because this geological timeline is most visible near the city of Tours. It guarantees one of the best expressions of Chenin anywhere in the world. The beautiful cellar of the domain, where the wines ferment and mature, was completely hewn from this lime layer.