Bright lemon-yellow color. In the nose white tropical and stone fruits. Fresh silky tropical flavor with a light, soft wood maturation.
salads and summer dishes
- climate
Baja Montaña, Valdizarbe and Tierra Estella are located on the riverside nearby the Pyrenees. This favorable location brings with it a dry climate with a higher humidity (no lack of rain in the summer and warm as the grapes have to ripen). (Average precipitation: 525 mm per year.) The average temperature is 12.3ºC with a peak of 28ºC in summer and a low of -2º in winter.) The Ribera Alta sub-zone can be split in two climatically. In the north (Comarcas: Olite and Lerin) there is a continental climate, slightly drier than in the adjacent subzones, the average precipitation is 525 mm, the average temperature is 13 ° C, and there is sometimes a period of lack of water. The south (Marcilla comarca) approaches a semi-arid climate with an average precipitation of 435 mm and an average temperature of up to 13,6 ° C. The Ribera Baja has a dry climate, the annual rainfall is 350 mm and the average temperature is 14 ° C.
- soil
Soft, deep, fertile topsoil; underground of gravel with calcareous solid rock.
- vinification
100% Chardonnay, traditional fermentation in white.