Wijngoed Monteberg - (Belgium)

In 1996 Jean-Pierre Six created Wijngoed Monteberg. A site on the southern flank of the Monteberg (which is actually the other side of the famous Kemmelberg), 600 vines and a good dose of spice: these three ingredients formed the basis of what was a daring experiment on Heuvelland soil. However, Jean-Pierre soon got a taste for viticulture and continued to focus on his passion. “A project has to mature like a good wine!” said the winegrower, and the pioneering work thus became his life's work. From meritorious and sympathetic to craftsmanship and quality product… Over the years, gigantic steps have been taken to achieve a respectful wine estate. Jean-Pierre has meanwhile passed on the torch of Wijngoed Monteberg to a new generation. Edward and Katrien, who have been writing this authentic family story for years, are expanding their father's project with heart and soul. While Belgian viticulture was still a laughing stock 20 years ago, our sommeliers are finally discovering the potential of what is possible in our low countries... And it can only get better!