FizZERO - Germany - Mosel (Germany)

The idea behind the creation of Fizzero wines arose from the growing demand for alcohol-free beverages that are adapted to the spirit of the times and also offer a tasty yet comparable alternative to classic sparkling wine as an aperitif. Alcohol and driving have not gone together for some time now, but whether you are a driver or simply a non-alcoholic drinker, you of course have just as much right to raise your glass and what could be nicer than doing so with a comparable, refreshing, stimulating, and tasty drink. The technique for removing alcohol from wine has convincingly proven not to offer a quality alternative! However, the people at Fizzero turned the problem around and developed a technique to initiate fermentation using specific bacteria that do not produce alcohol as a residual product but do convert sugars into acids. The addition of green tea further enhanced the vinous effect. For the rosé, the same base as for the white was used, but the addition of black carrots gives the 'wine' a beautiful rosé color and a slightly sweet note. 0.0% alcohol, 100% flavor!