Cycles Gladiator - USA - California (United States)

The very first thing he (Dennis Carrol) did was to pick up and take over the iconic wine label Cycles Gladiator. Simultaneously, he put the original founder and highly talented winemaker, Adam LaZarre, back at the helm. After his departure, Cycles Gladiator had become a producer of mass wines where quality completely took a backseat. The label itself was refurbished and restored to its former glory. The red-haired beauty slicing through the sky on her bike symbolizes the struggle for freedom of women all over the world and their fight for equality after centuries of oppression and repression. LaZarre is one of the most talented and experienced winemakers in the Paso Robles region. His wines almost all feature in the "Best Buy" lists of all trade publications. They embody the most flavorful version of each respective grape used.